João Batista Scalabrini será santo


  • Alfredo José Gonçalves SPM


Papa Francisco, João Baptist Scalabrini, migrants


In mid-May 2022, Pope Francis announced that the Bishop of Piacenza, John Baptist Scalabrini, beatified on November 9, 1997, by then Pope John Paul II, will be recognized by the Church as a saint. J. B. Scalabrini was born in Fino Mornasco, on July 8, 1839; and died in Piacenza on June 1, 1905. Perhaps due to the intense sanctity of his life and work, the pontiff even dispensed with the need for a new miracle, thus speeding up the ceremonies of sanctification. In this text, we try to answer a question that probably crossed the minds of many people. Why did the process of canonization of J. B. Scalabrini, called “father and apostle of migrants”, gain a faster pace? Three looks are necessary.

Author Biography

Alfredo José Gonçalves, SPM

Vice-presidente do Serviço Pastoral dos Migrantes – SPM, Coord. Adjunto da Missão Paz e assessor de movimentos populares.



How to Cite

José Gonçalves, A. (2022). João Batista Scalabrini será santo. TRAVESSIA - Revista Do Migrante, (94). Retrieved from


