Muito orgulho e sem rivalidade: atletas olímpicos brasileiros nascidos na Argentina


  • William Douglas de Almeida
  • Katia Rúbio


Immigration and emigration, Olympic Games, sports, identity


Throughout history, four athletes born in Argentina have represented Brazil at the Olympic Games. Antônio Salvador Sucar, Sebastián Cuattrin, Fernando Meligeni, and Joaquin Lopez, for different reasons, opted for the green-yellow flag. More than a simple representation, participation in a major sporting event connects to a feeling of identity construction of the subjects. Based on the methodology of Biographical Narratives, essentially qualitative, this article presents the life stories of these four athletes and discusses their relationships with the migratory movement between Brazil and Argentina. Concludes that the choice of Brazilian nationality by the athletes was linked to the process of sports training, to the construction and individual identification of each one, and, for one of them, to the opportunity provided by Rio de Janeiro to be the host country of the Olympic Games in 2016.

Author Biographies

William Douglas de Almeida

Pós-doutorado na Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de São Paulo

Katia Rúbio

Professora associada na Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de São Paulo



How to Cite

Douglas de Almeida, W., & Rúbio, K. (2023). Muito orgulho e sem rivalidade: atletas olímpicos brasileiros nascidos na Argentina. TRAVESSIA - Revista Do Migrante, 1(95), 167–184. Retrieved from