What Happens Post-Return Migration? The Experiences of Brazilian Returnees from Ireland


  • Nivelton Alves de Faria


Return migration determinants, Post-return Migration Reintegration, Brazil, Anápolis, Goiás


This paper examines the settlement challenges faced by Brazilian returnees from Ireland during their re-integration in Anápolis, in the state of Goiás. This paper draws on data collected as part of a four-year research project on the determinants of Brazilian migration from Anápolis in Goiás, to Gort in County Galway, Ireland (de Farias, 2022). The evidence presented below emerges from in-depth, qualitative interview with 40 Brazilian return migrants in Anápolis. This study reveals that most participants faced a variety of challenges after returning from Ireland to re-integrate in Anápolis, many of which overlapped and intertwined with each other. The difficulties faced by most returnees were related to (1) economic challenges, (2) labour market challenges, (3) weather-related problems, (4) psychological issues, (5) city, and urban-related problems, (6) property-related issues, (7) health-related issues, (8) network and friendship problems, and (9) people´s manner problems. The collected data also evidence that despite facing challenges in their re-integration, 21 (52.5%) participants did not regret their decision to return; while the other 19 (47.5%) participants regretted having returned to Anápolis. The results corroborate previous studies (Cassarino, 2008b; Yehuda-Sternfeld & Mirsky, 2014), as they show that Brazilian returnees faced considerable adjustment problems, especially around the reintegration process, including socio-psychological, economic and cultural aspects, which are interrelated and affect each other.

Author Biography

Nivelton Alves de Faria

Department of Geography, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland



How to Cite

Alves de Faria, N. (2024). What Happens Post-Return Migration? The Experiences of Brazilian Returnees from Ireland. TRAVESSIA - Revista Do Migrante, 1(101). Retrieved from https://travessia.emnuvens.com.br/travessia/article/view/1431