O novo coronavírus e as migrações no Brasil
A instrumentalização da pandemia para a implementação de uma política discriminatória e utilitarista de controle de fronteiras no país
Covid-19, Atos normativos, migração, Normative acts, migrationAbstract
In this study, we will seek to understand the guiding criterion of the normative acts issued by the Brazilian government regarding border management in the context of the pandemic – whether of a sanitary and scientific nature or just political and ideological. Still, we will analyze the “selection” of the desired migratory profile in the country according to the economic interests of the government, and not exactly aiming to contain the spread of the virus. To this end, a historical analysis of the construction of migration policies in the country is carried out, highlighting their intimate relationship with colonial processes and national interests aimed at creating the Brazilian labor market. In a second moment, the first regulations issued by the government for the agenda in question will be addressed, contemplating its technical aspects and main determined guidelines. The last part of the article is dedicated to an analysis of the way in which the regulation of the migration theme was conducted, under the scope of labor migration, during the pandemic, seeking to demonstrate an incompatibility with sanitary parameters specific to the world context, as well as indicating reproduction of a historically discriminatory bias in the construction of migration policy in Brazil.