La pandemia del coronavirus y la actuación de las casas de migrantes y centros de atención scalabrinianos en Sudamérica


  • Paolo Parise CEM
  • José Carlos A. Pereira CEM
  • Sidnei Marco Dornelas CEMLA



Red de Migración Internacional Scalabrini (SIMN), Casas de migrantes, Acogida, Vulnerabilidad, COVID-19, Scalabrini International Migration Network (SIMN), Casas do migrante, Acolhida, Vulnerabilidade; COVID-19


This text is a systematic essay on the contribution made by the directors of the Scalabrinian migrants’ houses and centers of attention, articulated in networks by the Scalabrini International Migration Network (SIMN), in several countries of South America, during the period of the coronavirus pandemic. It is based on the report “Communication on the performance of the houses of migrants and Scalabrinian centers of attention during the pandemic COVID-19”, which summarizes and makes a first systematization on the performance of each of these houses in the first three months of the health emergency of the coronavirus. This reading of the performance of the Scalabrinian migrants’ homes and centers of care in South America has, therefore, as a reference, the perspective of action of its leaders. From their look at the reality in which they operate, a diagnosis is made of the context of migration, of the daily reality of migrants, of living together in reception houses, of relations with the public authorities and other cooperation and humanitarian aid entities, and therefore Finally, the lessons and perspectives they learn from this exceptional period, lived during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Author Biographies

Paolo Parise, CEM

Director do CEM – Centro de Estudos Migratórios, São Paulo, Brasil

José Carlos A. Pereira, CEM

Editor de la Revista Travessia, CEM - Centro de Estudos Migratórios, São Paulo, Brasil.

Sidnei Marco Dornelas, CEMLA

Director del CEMLA - Centro de Estudios Migratorios Latinoamericanos, Buenos Aires, Argentina



How to Cite

Parise, P., Pereira, J. C. A., & Dornelas, S. M. (2021). La pandemia del coronavirus y la actuación de las casas de migrantes y centros de atención scalabrinianos en Sudamérica . TRAVESSIA - Revista Do Migrante, 2(91).


